Saturday, July 9, 2011

Today, I woke up in India..

After 25 hours of traveling, I arrived at the Hyderabad airport and was greeted by a volunteer and taken back to a guest house in Hyderabad. Since one of the little girls from the orphanage needed surgery in a hospital in Hyderabad, she came along and we stayed in the city for 2 days until her surgery on saturday. In those 2 days, I went to a big shopping center and bought my first Indian outfit's and some peanut butter (cant live without it). The next day, our driver dropped me off at the mall and I looked around. Basically these 2 days were very low key since her surgery wasnt until saturday. I did a lot of reading and sleeping. Then, after waiting in the hospital for 3 hours, we were able to head back to Ongole, where I will be living for my 2 months here. The drive was 8 hours long but it was the best 8 hour car ride I could ask for. There is so much to see here its almost overwhelming to try and look at it all. We drove through the crowded, busy, and noisy streets of Hyderabad into the outskirts of the city, through many farm towns, and small villages. The driving here is absoloutly insane! I felt like I was going to die at least 10 times as we would drove 80 miles per hour towards a moving truck and then swiftly at the last minute move to the other side of the road. Our driver also liked to blare Indian music, not only so, but the same song over and over again. I was laughing to myself as I looked around at the experience I was having- definatly an true Indian experience. When we finally arrived, I met my other 3 other roommates and went to bed. I still have yet to visit the orphanage but I will start volunteering tommorrow. I have had the chance to meet a few of the children because some of them stay with us in our apartment while they recover from their surgery. This country is so culturally rich and full of so many different and new things to experience and see. I am loving my time here already and am looking forward to the 2 months I have ahead of me. Here is a funny story to leave you with. While waiting in the hospital lobby the other day, a young man's cell phone went off. What was his ringtone? Baby by Justin Bieber (this one's for you court, em, and jane) except the voice was definatly not the Biebes. It was a woman. Looks like Bieber even has fans in India! except they like woman voices better. Well friends, I am not sure how often I will be able to update but it should be weekly. Thank you so much for all the prayers you have covered me with. I have felt them surround me like never before and I am so grateful for the support I have back home. You guys are the best. Much love, Nat

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